Strength and Fitness

Growing up, I was always involved in athletics and I thought combining strength & fitness with my photography would be something that would always hold my interest, while I worked to show innovative methods of staying fit.  So, for me, shooting strength and fitness was a natural fit. 

Working with small to medium sized gyms and independent trainers is where I feel I offer the most value. Their personalities are what make them a good fit for clients and in order to highlight not only their skills and knowledge, I also need to bring out their personalities. My job as their branding / storytelling photographer is to help them find the right clientele for their gym and their style of training.

My first fitness shoot was with my good friend Andrea Contee. Andrea is a personal trainer that works out of Baltimore, working with weight loss clients and athletes. Andrea does this through strength & conditioning training, high intensity interval training, boxing and Bootcamps.

I enjoy shooting this genre because I feel the physical accomplishments of those working towards a fitness goal is exciting, and I want to tell the story of the real people that reached their goals and the trainers who helped them persevere through adversity with visual consistency.


Visual consistency is having long-term content that is .. well consistent with their messaging as well as images. Having new and relevant content is important when developing a social media plan that can be implemented around internal promotions, calendar holidays, or annual/quarterly membership drives.

This is why I offer monthly packages to my clients to continually produce relevant content. .. so potential clientele can actually see the progress of the fitness journey .. but more on that later!

Gyms and trainers know fitness, and each one does it a bit differently or has their own method; before a shutter is clicked. How do I pull out the differences? It all starts with listening. I listen to their back story, how they came to be a trainer or own a gym. Each story is different, and that difference is their secret sauce that allows them to identify with the people they help. 


I’ve been asked before what my dream  fitness client is and quite honestly it would be the gym or trainer that sees the overall value of what I would bring to their business, and works with me as a partner towards their overall success. When my client is happy, I am thrilled!


So why me, listening and caring…